Explaination of Capital Goods 'project import scheme'...
The general information and related forms relating to the application for seeking a concessional rate of customs duty under ’Project...
What is MUDRA scheme under Government of India (GOI)?
MUDRA stands for Micro Units Development & Refinance Agency Ltd.
Funding Under Govt. Schemes for (Start-up)
The queries can be addressed to the Start-up India Hub through the following information: Toll-Free Number: 1800115565 Email: dippstartups@nic.inin...
Details on Funding Under Govt. Schemes (MSME)
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has deregulated all banks' credit-related issues, including interest charges, as part of the financial...
FAQ on Transferring of Shares
Documents to be presented by a resident person for the transfer of shares by gift to a person residing outside India: I the name and...
What are the initiatives taken by the Indian government...
Government is in the process of establishing 5 ports as hubs for tourism and hospitality. These are Mumbai, Goa, Chennai, Mangalore,...
What is the Green Highways Policy? What are the benefits...
This is a program aimed at encouraging the greening of highway corridors, involving the population, farmers, the private sector, NGOs,...
What is the Faster Adoption and Development of Electric...
Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi Implementation of the 'Faster Adoption and Development of Electric Vehicles scheme in India for...
What is National Electric Mobility Mission Plan (NEMMP)...
National Automotive Board to deal with all matters relating to the National Automotive Board is particularly concerned with questions...
What is Government Scheme for Defence Procurement...
The Defence Procurement Procedure is designed to ensure that military equipment, systems, and platforms, as needed by the Armed Forces,...
Who can raise money through Infrastructure Investment...
Under the Real Estate (Regulation & Development) Act, the functions and obligations of promoters are clearly defined. The promoter...
Steps taken by the Ministry of electronics and information...
Information Technology Investment Regions (ITIRs) have been set up by the Ministry of electronics and information technology. The...
What is Central Government Health Scheme for healthcare...
Central Government Health Scheme is the model provider of health care facilities for workers and pensioners of the central government...
What is the Govt Scheme for Food Processing industry...
Food Safety and Standards Act 2006 is an Act enacted to comply with evolving time requirements and to consolidate food laws and create...
What is the Electronics Development Fund Policy in...
The electronics Development Fund policy offers a basis for the development of electronics. Electronics Development Fund policy promotes...
What is the Agricultural Marketing Infrastructure...
It is common knowledge that the promotion of agricultural marketinginfrastructure needs to be encouraged. Projects to reduce the participation...