Cyberspace is a cryptic ocean where Cyber Risk Management is essential; reserve your trial with CYBERCAT™© today!
As its name suggests, CYBERCAT (QUANTIFY CYBER RISK) is a platform that offers a variety of Cyber Services, with technology serving as an enabler and the Insurance area as its key focus.

They have remained proactive to the industry's risk-related needs, having predicted some of the outcomes in previous years, and have consequently built a robust platform called 'CYBERCATTM' that can help bridge the insurance eco system on a seamless process from Cyber Risk Assessment, Quantification, insurance pricing, and Claims management. As an Insurtech company, they have remained proactive to the industry's risk-related needs.
Insurance Practitioners, Risk Management professionals, and Technology Experts from BFSI Got Together To Build A Promising Solution For The Insurance Industry Based On Academic Research And Deep Insights Into The Insurance And Reinsurance Market To Begin Their Journey Insurance Practitioners, Risk Management professionals, and Technology Experts From BFSI Got Together To Build A Promising Solution For The Insurance Industry Based On They have maintained their attention on the insurance vertical and are continuing to investigate and build upon the solutions that are already in place in order to improve the services that we provide to the industry. They have also been successful in developing a few innovative solutions, which are valued by the user industries and are implemented by those industries. They have proven to be resilient in the face of obstacles along this exhilarating path, and they have carved out a niche for themselves in the insurtech business. Their products and services are reviewed and accepted not only in the Indian market but also in markets located in other countries.
Vijayanand Subramaniam has been at the helm of Transasia since its establishment. Having worked in a variety of fields during his previous positions, he was well-prepared to take on the tough job he currently plays and is making steady progress toward achieving the organization's goals.
Cybercat Platform works on the SAAS model of providing the services at very affordable pricing to Corporates from all sectors, Financial Institutions, Underwriters (Insurers), Intermediaries (Distribution channels), and Re-insurers. Cybercat assessment and quantification will help the industry evaluate Cyber Risks and their impact on the business and thereby help to mitigate and protect their balance sheet exposure.
Players on the insurance and reinsurance sector, both domestic and international, have expressed positive reactions to this development. India, the Middle East, and other parts of Asia are home to some of our most important customers. In addition, the Cybercat platform provides enablers for cyber forensics, virtual chief information security officers (CISOs), breach response, and data recovery. They are now shifting their focus toward the west and investigating potential new partnerships. As an intellectual property, CybercatTM - Uncertainty Simplified is protected by copyright and is also a registered brand.
They have established themselves as the industry leaders in Cyber Risk Quantification, which is a scientific derivation based on years of research in this specific vertical.
The idea for CYBERCAT first surfaced in 2016, but it required a lot of head scratching and endorsements from key stakeholders before it could be considered a brand in 2017. The strategy that was taken during brainstorming centred on the concept of perceiving cyber-related exposures as catastrophic threats, and the brand developed naturally from that point onward. Their first few years were devoted constructing a solid foundation; as a result, their initial expenditures were higher than in subsequent years. They started to gain traction and witnessed an increase in their revenues of more than 40 percent over the course of several years in a row. Eventually, as a result of their tremendous success, the brand became more established than it had ever been in the year 2021.
Thus is a nutshell it is-
- Their brand enables the client to look at a threat objectively, despite its high subjectivity. It stands for simple cyber risk profiling.
- The brand postulates to give comprehensive answers to cyber-related concerns.
- It is an enabling architecture with very simple functionalities that can be integrated with any system.
- A non-linear model to more accurately assesses cyber exposures with a very low error margin.
Therefore, select the Cyber Risk assessment and Quantification model that has the highest level of credibility. Cyber Quantification, which enables Catastrophe Cyber Risk Management, is a field in which we are world leaders. Get in touch with us through the links below for further information, and book your free trial right away.
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