" My Love with Poesy: Wonderland of Words," Published, 11 Jan 2022.
One of its poems " A Hunger Cry 8 " was a prophecy, as one can correlate this presage with shocking events of the Russia-Ukraine War 2022!

O train! Travel to pain,
I heareth the honks...
No, it doesn't stop here.
Oh, people of my fate,
Squeezed and decimated,
O pain! Better miss the train.
Oh, this train till the end!
Clustered and clutched...
Oh, people of my fate,
Pain till the end:
Squeezed and decimated,
Oh, people of my fate.
Oh, darkness!
Thou hide my light;
Oh, stop my gait.
Oh, people of this dark,
Trampled and defeated:
Oh! Thou hide tears " cavalcade."
Philip Isukapati announces the 1st anniversary of the release of ‘My Love With Poesy: Wonderland of Words. ’
VISAKHAPATNAM, India – “This poetry book writes each letter to spell thy imagination with a compelling emotion: really elucidates the most complex imagination into a reality. Intertwining very rudiments of both perceptible and imperceptible socio-culture; further, edifying the very sentiments which are the basis of all social values,” Philip Isukapati states.
“My Love With Poesy: Wonderland of Words. ”(published by Partridge India) is an impeccable thought flow as it expresses a marvel in the most profound verses; style. This extraordinary poetry frames a wide gamut of subjects while its voice identifies: thoughts of a poet, voice of a mother, struggle of an orphan, father’s love, unity, a tender girl child, festivities, feel of a soulmate, inner space, nostalgia, romance and much more.
“Every fine line of my poesy is captured by dogma, nationalism, social justice, nostalgia, blithe, platonic bonding, festivities; love and romance. All of which captivates you to get entrapped in my world. It runs deep into your thoughts and tunes your mind to another world. In fact, every poem is a fine craft which hides in itself. Don't miss it, you will miss your thoughts!” Isukapati says.
When asked what he wants readers to take away from the book, Isukapati answers, “Poetry is something very essential in life. Music has a song; writings have poetry. A great poem is a song forever; further, any poetry without an accurate syntax is of words or sentences without a rhythm or tune! Yes, poetry is a composition, not a simple writing. The deeper a poet travels for his thoughts, the better is his composition. I say all this to poets of all kinds, especially to the younger generation.”
“My Love With Poesy: Wonderland of Words. ”
By Philip Isukapati
About the Author
Philip Isukapati holds an awesome sense of expression and his various creative elements contrive him to be a lyricist, composer, and singer. He is the other world of thinking with intuition in plenty as he writes his literature or songs very involuntarily. He has some unpublished titles: A Recall Romantics, Philsonnets, A Hunger Cry, A Strange Dream, Word Memory, GRE Flash Cards; The Interviewers Mind.
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