Vandhe Bharatam- Access to rights and entitlements
VandheBharatam provides an opportunity to the public as well as government to strive for redressal of public grievances with the help of all collaborated stakeholders through a platform.

“Art of Giving” Addressing the difficult issues faced by the situations by the citizens by using the best of the technologies
VandheBharatam provides an opportunity to the public as well as government to strive for redressal of public grievances with the help of all collaborated stakeholders through a platform.
VandheBharatam is a non-profit organization different from others constituted by the true service-oriented individuals, stakeholders, from different segments of the society, aimed at serving the people of all walks of life in redressing their grievances faced by them in day to day life is getting the better services from the government departments, Panchayat Raj Institutions, Urban Local Bodies and non-government agencies effectively and efficiently and drive hard to provide equitable and better opportunities with the cooperation of these agencies so that every citizen in the rural and urban areas engaged in social, cultural and economic activities enjoying the quality of life.
Market & Plan of Execution
Citizen Services:
- Physical and social infrastructure for socio-economic development
- Higher productivity
- Enhanced human development
- Better livelihood opportunities
- Reduced disparities
- Access to rights and entitlements
- Wider social mobilisation
- Enriched social capital
- Good governance
- Use of latest technology
Plan of execution in sectors like,
- Basic Amenities and services in villages and towns
- Health, Hygiene, water supply and sanitation
- Education
- Agriculture and allied
- Social Justice and Empowerment
- Reduction of Poverty
- Social and Culture
- Others
Coordinate among industries, Engineering Colleges / Polytechnics and Students, Identify the sectors / sub-sectors suitable to the students help in the preparation of internship plan for the institutions Develop model internship programme including Health, safety and welfare of apprentices for industries in consultation with industries as perAICTEpolicy We also conduct internship programmes in the activities detailed above future plans of the NGO
Future initiatives
- SevaGraha
- Engage at Young Age
- My Place My Service
- G-one
- I3 Institute
In order to ensure that Government schemes and plans reach the ultimate eligible beneficiaries, to address and redress the grievances of citizens across Karnataka in respect of various aspects, we chalked out a service-oriented platform named SEVAGRAHA under which a host of activities will be monitored, within the legal framework, for those genuine people who have valid records and documents. We are a bridge between the Government and the beneficiary.
We with the cooperation of AICTE interns (All India Council for Technical Education) going to tie up with the Institutions to make use of the youth power for our service activities and in this process, we have sought the cooperation of NSS and such other organizations so that the valuable duration of services rendered by such interns in our projects and programs will be reckoned with.
Everyone will have bondage and affectionate feeling about his/her birthplace, or the village or city where he/she was brought up and nurtured. Someone will have fascinating memories about a religious place or a tourist spot where they very often visit. Such people who are in different parts of the globe crave to do something for their native village or at such other spots of keen interest, It may be providing a library for students, donating a room for the village school, providing electronic gadgets to eligible students, refurbishing a park, school premises, drinking water facility or whatsoever. We will see that dream project at the place they prefer will be materialized as they desire within the budget they provide. We a non-profit organization is there to monitor and oversee the project and see it materialized systematically.
The intention of G-one is to see governance with administration, monitoring, execution, and implementation that should be systematic and up to micro-level, at par with aviation sector which is a technology-driven system that works with precision. It is our endeavour that Health, Agriculture and all sectors should be addressed and monitored under G-one giving more importance on micro-level governance. Especially in the Agriculture sector, the data relating to farming practices have to be monitored with special emphasis on soil condition, seeds, fertilizers, cropping pattern on a daily basis in a real-time observation. Quality and quantity of the crop, location, aggregation, destination, survey number where it is grown, transport module on a real-time basis and everything should be under a Grid which is a geo-special grid with the help of technology. The government should come under the same GRID and all the stakeholders should adhere to this strictly to see that everything is on track
I3 Institute
INVENTIONS INNOVATIONS & IMPLEMENTATIONS related to the entire farming sector, particularly on Horticulture under the banner i3 Institute.
It is a known theory that no activity or businesses are going to sustain without the implementation of the latest technologies or techniques. These latest technologies and technique are a result of constant innovation and invention works. The I3 training institute will work in the areas of innovation, invention and implementation in the field of agriculture thriving to train farmers in best practices of farming from across the globe, exhibit the latest products and technologies related to farming & facilitate for research and development.
VandheBharatam is mainly a platform to strive for redressal of public grievances with the help of all the stakeholders. It constituted by the true service-oriented individuals from different segments of the society, aimed at serving the people of all walks of life in redressing their grievances faced by them in day to day life is getting the better services from the government departments, Panchayat Raj Institutions, Urban Local Bodies and non-government agencies effectively and efficiently and drive hard to provide equitable and better opportunities with the cooperation of these agencies so that every citizen in the rural and urban areas engaged in social, cultural and economic activities enjoying the quality of life.
VandheBharatam stands for GOVERNANCE with a vision to facilitate the Government to serve every citizen on one common platform. Our aims to be a robust platform for integrating the entire Indian Administration in one single platform. For the Government, it is this same platform which is a single-window, through which it services all the citizens. The various departments, both Central and State will integrate on our platform. Chief Secretary to the last man in Panchayat office will use our platform to serve every Indian citizen.
Founders and Co-Founders of NGO
B.H. LOKESH is an enthusiastic and enterprising person known for his multi-faceted skill-sets with great zeal and zest for equity, equality, social justice, all-round economic development and National integrity.
He started RathnaroyInfotech, and as a part of his stint for the Society he founded VandheBharatham Foundation, a Trust registered under Indian Trust Act and has been instrumental in various activities to create awareness among the farmers’ fraternity with innovative plans and projects, which are underway.
Awareness in Electoral Reforms
- He has been instrumental in reforming the electoral voting machines (EVM). In Improving the quality of EVMs and to make it foolproof and user friendly, the suggestions given by him were adopted by the national election commission.
- Conducted training for polling agents and counting agents of National political party to ensure transparency and righteousness in the electoral process.
- Started venture in 1994, which has been into supplying hardware, consulting, developing small software packages for industries and commercial establishments for their inventory management and invoice management.
Vandhebharatham Foundation
- Founded in 2009, a non-profit organisation dedicated to bringing a change in un-organised sectors like Agriculture, thus enabling great economic development among farmers’ fraternity and also redressal of grievances of all irrespective of caste, creed and religion.
Since there is no limit or boundaries for our activities, we won’t believe in restricting our team. We believe every citizen, government body and stakeholders are our team.
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