What makes an organisation an attractive workplace?

More and more people are looking to support businesses that are aligned with their beliefs on topics of sustainability, social responsibility, and more. This mental change is occurring in the workplace as well... And here's why.

What makes an organisation an attractive workplace?

When we walk in for a job interview, we can't help but feel anxious about making a good first impression or uncertain about whether or not we are the right fit for the firm. Every job description has a list of criteria, which may include academic credentials, previous work experience, or even "soft qualities" such as initiative and creativity.

However, all of that has altered over the course of the past several years. Companies that are actively involved in social and environmental problems are being seen as more enticing places to work as a direct result of increased levels of awareness. The following are some of the most notable characteristics of these companies:

More freedom and a better balance between work and life: their workdays are flexible, with start and finish hours as well as the option to work from home. There are even businesses that provide their workers the option to work less hours so they may take care of their families.
Additional services provided to employees as part of their remuneration package include dental and medical insurance, as well as childcare for children.
Collaborative work settings avoid the strict corporate structures that transform the workplace into a silo and make communication one-way from managers to team members. These arrangements prevent communication from flowing in the other direction.
They have plans to encourage diversity and inclusion in their teams through employment programmes and career development. One of the ways they want to do this is by recruiting persons who have both physical and intellectual impairments.
Help for those who are most in need, such as financial assistance for college students from families with little means.
Fundraising efforts for social projects, such as those organised by non-profit organisations, are an example of this type of support.
Policies that are good for the environment: The public and private sectors both took a significant step forward in their efforts to combat climate change when they ratified the Paris Agreement.

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