This Children’s day, one hour of #GadgetFreeHour for your family!
In the midst of this technology driven society we have been tied to our gadgets and families hardly find the time to connect with each other. Technology and gadgets have taken the place of an inseparable part of our lives and Children.

For children technology is like what water is to fish. They are born into technology and breathe technology. They are the digital natives, unlike their parents who never got a chance to use digital gadgets early in their life. Every young and old, even infants, are highly exposed to electronic media. In today’s lifestyle where both parents are working, most times are crammed with hectic schedules.
This exposure has inversely affected the child's health. The birth of varied kinds of health issues and developmental delays seen in young kids has necessitated parents to improve their awareness about the detrimental effect of screen-time on young kids and take requisite steps accordingly. However, the pandemic attack has aroused inevitable extended screen time at home.
The COVID-19 pandemic has made virtual connections over the internet an intrinsic part of our lives. One Indian survey reported that during the lockdown and post that phase, each family member in India spent over 26 hours per week on an average on their phones, managing work and home, and scrolling through entertainment apps.
While these technologies can surely help improve our quality of life, it’s important to set time away from our devices as well. One of the first steps for parents to build a strong connection with their children is to spend quality time with them, even if it is for a few minutes a day.
The #GadgetFreeHour campaign is urging families to take a break from their hectic online schedules to spend at least one hour with their children on International Children’s Day, November 20th. To disconnect and reconnect!
The #GadgetFree hour is a campaign organised by Parent Circle along with Totto learning. Focusing on parents and children in particular, we aim at ensuring that they set aside their gadgets and spend time together - playing, talking, eating, laughing and rediscovering the pleasure of each other’s company.
You too can join the GFH challenge by downloading the Totto Parents app (scan QR code) or visiting the website , to supplement the GFH they are also having a 14 day parent engagement activity starting from the 6th of November. Everyday get 5 minute activities for the entire family and get ideas to disconnect and reconnect with your family.
Just 60 minutes of connecting with your children and family will help you create memories for a lifetime.Join The GFH hour and we encourage all families to observe the Gadget free hour on the 20th of November between 7.30pm and 8.30pm.
“14 days; 14 simple challenges to transform the parent in you!What would you get after 14 days? The joy of connection – you’ll see your child-time become the best time of the day for you and your child.”
Totto learning - Is an early learning solution for kids below 8 years with a focus on preparing them for the future than tactically focusing on only short term goals.They plan on creating super parents by equipping them with the required knowledge and tools to turn their kids to super kids within their home environment. Focusing on real world experiential learning and limiting screen time, the program enables parents to create an ideal learning environment within their homes.
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