What is the National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency (NMEEE)?
One of the eight missions under the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) is the National Mission for Improved Energy Efficiency (NMEEE). National Mission for Improved Energy Efficiency (NMEEE) seeks to improve the energy efficiency market through the development of a favourable regulatory and policy regime and plans to encourage creative energy efficiency.

What is the National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency (NMEEE)?
One of the eight missions under the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) is the National Mission for Improved Energy Efficiency (NMEEE). National Mission for Improved Energy Efficiency (NMEEE) seeks to improve the energy efficiency market through the development of a favorable regulatory and policy regime and plans to encourage creative energy efficiency.
The energy conservation market and sustainable business models. The Cabinet approved the NMEEE document and funded the Eleventh Plan cycle (2010-12) for two years, with an outlay of $36.23 million. On 6 August 2014, the continuation of the National Mission for Improved Energy Efficiency (NMEEE) for the 12th Plan was approved by the Cabinet with a total outlay of $119.23. The mission aims to increase efforts to unlock the energy efficiency market, which is valued at approximately $11.385 billion. The activities generated the institutional and regulatory infrastructure during the 11th Plan era. Four measures to increase energy efficiency in energy intensive industries were spelled out by the NMEEE as follows:
- Enact Achieve and Exchange Scheme (PAT), a market-based system to enhance the cost-effectiveness of energy efficiency improvements in energy-intensive industries by certifying tradable energy savings.
- (b) Energy Efficiency Market Transformation (MTEE) to accelerate the move to energy-efficient appliances in specified sectors by means of creative steps to make goods more affordable by energy savings.
- (c) The Energy Efficiency Financing Platform (EEFP) for the development of mechanisms to help fund, through the capture of potential energy savings, demand-side management programmes in all sectors.
- D) The Energy Efficient Sustainable Growth Platform (FEED), for the production of energy efficiency promotion fiscal instruments.
- What are the completed transmission projects?
There are 260 projects/elements completed all over India in 2017-18 and all the details can be found at the link.
- What are the upcoming transmission projects?
There are 285 projects coming in all over India. You can find a detailed map of these projects on the link.
- What is TARANG?
TARANG is the Transmission App for Real time Monitoring and Growth to monitor the progress of transmission systems in the country.
- What is the Central Electricity Authority and what is the information it provides?
Central Electricity Authority (CEA) is a statutory organization originally constituted under the Electricity Act, 2003. The organization releases monthly reports related, state wise installed capacity on the link.
- How are thermal power plants (TPPs) classified among industries?
TPPs has been listed by the Ministry of Environment & Forests (MoEF) as one of 17 industries in the Red Band. The Red category denotes a highly polluting field. In order to receive EC: projects type A are:
1) > 500 MW Fuel Dependent on Coal / Lignite / Naphtha & Gas.
2) > 50 MW Petcoke, diesel and all other fuels (excluding biomass) including refinery residual oil waste.
3) > 20 MW Biomass Based or MSW (Municipal Solid Waste) Non-Hazardous as Fuel. Projects under Category B are-1) < 500 MW Coal / Lignite / Naphtha & Gas Based Fuel. 2) Petcoke, diesel and all other fuels, including residual oil waste from refineries (excluding biomass) < 50 MW or 3 MW. 3) Biomass Based or Non-Hazardous MSW (Municipal Solid Waste) < 20 MW or 15MW as Fuel.
- Why is there a proliferation of TPPs along the coast?
The location of a plant along the coast gives the project promoter two major advantages:
1) Fast transportation through ports and captive jetties of imported coal.
2) Simple seawater availability for on-site seawater desalination technology for both once-through cooling and the production of boiler-feed water. This eliminates the need for fresh water for operating the thermal power plant.
- What is the CEPI (Comprehensive Environment Pollution Index)? How does it impact the location of TPPs?
The Comprehensive Environment Pollution Index (CEPI) is a number at a given location to describe the pollution and environmental quality. From time to time, the CPCB measures Comprehensive Environment Pollution Index (CEPI)scores to classify critically contaminated areas and industrial clusters by measuring their air, soil and water. The Comprehensive Environment Pollution Index (CEPI)Score is an important tool for identifying those clusters where, because of their levels of pollution, industrial development activities have been limited. In 2010, the MoEF placed a moratorium on the consideration of EC projects if they were situated in 43 areas of critical pollution. As of September 2013, it has been reduced to 7 clusters. In those areas where the moratorium is placed, TPPs cannot be found.
- How long does it usually take for a plant to get Environmental Clearance?
It depends on the plant's size. Usually, after filing the application, 1 to 1.5 years is the time for a plant to receive EC. According to the EIA notice, the following are time-bound activities:
1) Issuance of ToR: To be released by the Project Promoter within 60 days of submission of the Proposal to the Project Promoter.
2) Holding a public hearing: a public hearing report to be sent by the SPCB to the MoEF / SEIAA within 45 days of receipt of the Project Proponent's request for a public hearing.
3) Issuance of the EC: to be released within 105 days of the submission of the Final EIA by the Project Proponent.
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