Special occasions take place throughout the year and that means lot’s of plants being cut down to bring you the wedding/engagement/birthday invites that you require. If you are one of those amazing human beings concerned about mother Earth you have probably opted for electronic invites but still somewhere within you there is this teeny-weeny wish where you want to feel, touch and see your wedding invite in your hand and save it as a memento of your love to show to your kids and grand-kids.

What if we tell you that you don’t have to sacrifice all those trees to fulfil your wish of those perfect engagement, wedding or birthday invites? In-fact you will be a major contributor to the growth of nature by printing those invites. Surprised? So were we when we heard of it. One brand in India is all focused on changing the world one wedding at a time. Candyflossbyshroff is an invitation design and print brand that focuses on changing the world of wedding invites from tree-based paper to eco-friendly paper that grows into plants. Yes, you heard that right. Invites that turn into plants.
The founder of candyflossbyshroff, Fatima Shroff tells us how she opted to change her whole brand around to focus completely on an eco-friendly approach to weddings, engagements and birthdays. “ Special occasions take place throughout the year and without invites weddings and birthdays just don’t feel right especially now, when people are aware of the damage these paper-plant based invites cause to mother Earth. I believed we had to start somewhere to revolutionize the wedding industry so I started to give only two options for customers to choose from.
- Eco-friendly recyclable invites.
- Eco-friendly plantable invites.
If they ask for more optionswe say they are unavailable. They either were very pleased with the fact that my brand was eco-friendly or they went to other invitation printers to get their matte or glossy finishes. One of the couples were very pleased with the fact that they could make their wedding eco-friendly. They absolutely loved the idea of plantable invites and even spread word to their friends who were about to get married. Needless to say our Instagram page blew up with a lot of followers thanks to them.
We are sure you too are curious to know how these plantable wedding invites work, so are we.
“That’s what its all about isn’t it, the curiosity, the mystery. It adds a wow factor to your wedding. It not only makes you an earth-friendly person but also add a bit of newness – a bit of that oomph factor to your wedding. It makes your guests curious and the kids excited.” Says the founder of candyflossbyshroff. “Especially our first birthday invites and 16th birthday invites that are most loved because kids have an activity they love to do and wedding guests too.”
How exactly does it work though?
It’s very exciting really. We make your invites along with bookmark sized instructions to go into the envelope with them. Once you pin/ photograph the date for which we also make save the date cards that are the size of small business cards that your guests can pin up on their boards or fridge so they don’t forget the date, these again are made of eco-friendly paper. The invites are then shred to pieces and planted into soil that then grow into marigold or basil plants.
So, now we are curious about the pricing? Is the cost too high.
“That’s the thing isn’t it?” Says the founder. “People don’t think too much when they spend millions on wedding hall décor that withers but when it comes to invites they think it costs a lot. We custom design the invites according to the couples taste with colours, illustrations, caricature, gold foiling or themes then print them out on eco-friendly plantablecardstock. Our invites start from 80/- per piece including shipping. Does that cost too much when you are contributing to mother Earth?”
What do people think about your pricing?
Most printing services offer services starting from 30/- per piece so that makes it difficult for us. People don’t think too much about trees being cut down or being one of the causes of global warming as long as they can save their money. However, these days there are couples who are more into eco-friendly products, who take pride in who they are and don’t mind spending money on products they think are worth. These are clients we love and who love us. We go the extra mile to make them happy and customize the perfect invites for them and you know what’s the best thing? We make one design only once and supply the same design only thrice pan India so you won’t be able to find the same design at any other wedding. Your event is special and we make sure we make it even more so.
So, what all events do you supply to?
Name it and we do it all. Engagements, Weddings, Birthdays, Birth/naming ceremonies, bridal showers, baby showers, graduation invites. You name it and we got you covered.
So, on your next special occasion are you ready to contribute to mother eath by spending a tad bit more money and ordering your invites from Candyflossbyshroff? Let us know in the comments below.
Contact candyflossbyshroff
Instagram handle: candyflossbyshroff
e-mail: Call: +917022025296
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