Roshani Shenazz: A shining star in India’s Spiritual Healing, Happiness and Wellness Sector
The greatest source of uncertainty in existence is existence itself. No matter how well you plan your life, fate will inevitably have something for you that you could never have imagined. You may currently be the greatest cricket player. On the contrary, you will struggle to score runs on the ground on an off-day. You may be the most talented music director. However, there may come a time when individuals find your music uninteresting. It merely demonstrates that you cannot always be at the forefront of people's minds and that everything in life is comparable to a heart rate graph. The fluctuations persist.

The plot is the same in cc, but it has a supernatural turn. A social butterfly who was at the pinnacle of her film and media career had her life turned upside down by a profound transformation that took her from the glittering world of glamour to the tranquilly and stillness of the kingdom of God. She went through the most difficult of the valleys, but in the end she succeeded in navigating her way through them by using unwavering tenacity, fortitude, perseverance, and most importantly, a profound faith in a Higher Power.During the years 2005 and 2006, Roshani was temporarily immobilised from the waist down as a result of a life-threatening disease at one point in her life.She lost one and a half years of her life fighting for her life, during which she became a medical guinea pig and was saddled with an enormous amount of debt related to her medical care and her ability to survive that was close to one million rupees. The way ahead was obscured by darkness and lacked clarity. Because she was bedridden and unable to work, she was unable to make the monthly payments on her mortgage. As a result, she was forced to sell the most precious and ideal property she had ever owned in order to make ends meet and pay her medical bills.Roshani was responsible for her elderly father, and the only thing that seemed to be working in her favour was the grace of God, which sustained her through the entire ordeal. Roshani's father was 85 years old at the time. However, she did not give up hope. Her tenacity and determination were unshakeable at all times. It was not in her nature to go to bed feeling defeated. She made the decision to stand back up. She had never doubted the might of the Supreme Being, even in her most sceptical moments.
The year 2010 marked the beginning of Roshani's awakening path towards spirituality, which was the turning point in her life at the time. She was learning things that she had never been exposed to before now. She started receiving direction and messages for individuals, including herself, that manifested exactly as she was informed during her meditative time. These guidance and messages manifested exactly as they were provided to her. All of the encounters became significantly more profound after she acquired a book about angels from a friend, which ultimately lead her to complete a quick training course to become an angel practitioner. She began to have faith in the greater significance, existence, presence, and intervention of Guardian Angels, Archangels, and Divine Beings as Messagers and Divine Task Forces of God. She viewed these beings as divine task forces and messengers of God. She was shown and made to believe that their mission is to keep an eye on everything that is going on with humanity, the planet, all of creation, and the universe as a whole.Following that, both her affinity and her faith towards spirituality grew, and eventually she reached a moment in her life where the script for her life was being rewritten into a divine blockbuster. Roshani Shenazz was being driven by the universe to realise her true life purpose, which was to transition from a focus on glamour to a focus on God. Her desire and passion were to become a filmmaker. Her work took form as an effort to assist people in recognising the divinity that is within them as well as that which resides within others, and she did this through repairing people's lives with the goal of maximising the individual and community good.This was the defining moment in her life when she made the decision to walk away from her dream job in the Indian film and media sector, where she had been employed for over 20 years by some of India's most prestigious production firms and channels. She has even held the position of Senior Faculty Producing at the illustrious Whistling Woods International, which is a film and media institute in Mumbai that is known all over the world.After this, she plunged herself in the devotion of her most cherished God, and in 2010, she accepted the divinity of Avatar Meher Baba, with whom she had been in communication on a spiritual level even since He had already left His physical body in January 1969. Now, she has gotten herself completely involved in the devotion of her most cherished God. After that, she embarked on a new journey by devoting herself to the divine mission of soul guidance and healing, becoming the instrument and vehicle through which Meher Baba's love, light, and grace would be disseminated throughout the world.In 2012, the last living Mandali of Meher Baba, Shri Bhau Kalchuri, renamed her as Roshani, which means Light, and told her that she would be the Mother Light to spread the Love and Light of Beloved Baba. Her new name was given to her in honour of the fact that she would be the Light that would spread. She possessed the name, and she made the decision to live a life that was befitting of it by radiating the love and light of God and illuminating the lives of others around her.In 2013, she gave up her hobby entirely and quit her job in the film industry so that she may answer the Spiritual Calling that God had placed on her life and serve humanity using the talents that he had given her. She is also the author of the best-selling book titled "Angels Speak," which was published in 2016. This book is the first Indian Oracle book of channelled healing messages and affirmations, and it features 15 pictures of the Archangels. People took her book to heart since it brought them spiritual direction and healing, and they did so by doing so with great dedication. Many people reached out to her to tell her that 'Angels Speak' is not merely a self-help book, and they gave it a position next to their devotional books as a result.After that, she moved on to found WHOlistic Wellbeing Pvt Ltd. as well as the Meher Roshani Foundation, which is a recognised 80G and CSR compliant Trust. In the past 11 years, Her Foundation has done impressive work, especially through COVID, and it currently has two important programmes on education and vocational training that occupy centre stage. The Meher Baba Children's Centre in Meherabad is a holistic centre that provides education, medicine, and nutrition to approximately 120 village children. In Mumbai, the Life Skills Academy trains people on various vocational life skills and has a positive impact on their lives by allowing them to lead sustainable and financially independent lives.Roshani continued on past this point. She continued to accumulate more feathers of success for her crown as time went on. She was awarded the prestigious title of Accredited Holistic Therapist and Training Provider by the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine, which is based in the United Kingdom. In addition to her many other worldwide awards, she used to write a column for the Bombay Times titled "Angel Guidance for the Readers." She also appeared as a Guest Spiritual Medium on radio shows broadcast in Dubai and on Radio One in India.She has been honoured with prestigious appointments such as Member of the Sexual Harassment at the Workplace Committee of CGHS Mumbai, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare – Government of India, Advisory Board Sanghakaya, (International Buddhist) Foundation Co-Founder WIHUM (World Interfaith Harmony & Peace Mission), Golden Door Ambassador and Executive Committee Member, Co-Chair Holden Foor Forum, Singapore, Resident Expert at Expert Channel TV, and Mentee Alumni of the Cherie BlairAfter some time, she worked her way up to the position of Director of the Unity in Diversity World Civil Society, India Chapter of the Global Dialogue Foundation, Australia. Her contribution to the conceptualization of the GDF Youth Ambassador Internship Programme is nothing short of remarkable. This programme brings together students from five famous colleges of the HSNC Board in Mumbai, India, as well as the respected leadership team of Global Mentors from GDF.Numerous important honours have been bestowed upon her in recognition of the outstanding contributions she has made to the world in the roles of Spiritual Soul-Doctor, Happiness and Wellbeing coach, REIKI master, internationally recognised author, Speaker, and Young Sociopreneur Humanitarian. The Women Leaders of Tomorrow, Women Achiever – 2016-17, Leadership Excellence at the World HRD & CSR Awards, the Golden Door Essay/Blog Award (Shared – Silver), and the Golden Door REX Karmaveer Truth-writer Fellowship & Chakra Award (Bronze), in September 2020, the MentorX Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Award of Honour at the Educator's Commendation Ceremony, 2020, the 99 Achievers of India AwardShe has not been one to lag behind in etching her name on the an international level, and as a result, she has received a number of felicitations. She has held the title of youngest international speaker on a variety of platforms, some of which include the prestigious United Nations at the XIVth CIFA in France in 2016, the World Parliament of Spirituality, the United Nations REX Karmaveer Platform, the Golden Door Awards in Singapore, Hit Talks in London, and the Vatican/UN Webinar based on the Pope's most recent encyclical in March 2020, amongst many others.In addition to these things, she is a Spiritual Medium who offers sessions in Soul Guidance/Energy Healing and Meditation for individuals. In addition, she works as a Therapist, Counsellor, Coach, and Mentor.She provides training in areas such as leadership development, training, change management, team building, corporate training, life coaching, diversity and inclusion, HR WellbeingConsulting, Executive Wellness coaching, and consulting for overall Employee and Organisational Wellbeing. These services are all part of her corporate services.Since 2010, Roshani Shenazz's work in the fields of Soul Therapy Guidance/Healing and Corporate Wellness & Happiness Coaching has had an impact on thousands of people all over the world. Through her Life Integration Programmes, Webinars, Meditations, and Speaking events, she has assisted individuals and companies in regaining and restoring high levels of productivity and wellbeing. Roshani stands out from the crowd as a result of all of these awards, which establish her as an eminent spiritual thought leader and a happiness catalyst. She is here to actually improve the world on a variety of different levels.Her approach to spirituality does not simply consist of spreading messages of devotion and peace. Instead, it is to assist people in cultivating a spiritual perspective and living through that perspective by way of the path of practical spirituality. Roshani Shenazz continues to undergo transformation as she shines bright as a symbol of inspiration on the international stage and attempts to traverse the world to help humanity to awaken to their own divinity, the ability to heal, and the oneness of all existing things.
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