Nitin is an author, Vedic story parenting coach, educationist and storyteller who believes that next level of parenting does not need revolution but Re-spiritualization. His story is unique and worth covering, so we approached him and asked about his journey as a Vedic Parenting coach in India where no one considers parenting as a skill.

It was April 2015 when Nitin realized the media has made our kids a commodity. Almost everyone is trying to sell something to parents with a promise of successful kids, and the unsuspecting parents just fall in this rat race of finding a genius in their child.
Nitin was amazed to see how parents were spoiling their relationship with their child in quest of their illusory success in the distant future and making their kids anxious and stressed to achieve the success which means nothing to them as a child. He was frustrated when he saw no one was interested in solving the actual problems of parents since everyone was focusing on teaching a child about how to be a better adult in the childhood itself, but they all failed to teach how to preserve that little, happy child in our kids.
He pointed out that the commodification of kids starts from the birth, from synthetic foods to tonics, to milk supplements with DHA or what not. And only worsens when they sell the dream of making a child a genius by coding, robotics, artificial intelligence or STEM education, which needs to be corrected before it’s too late as no Indian parent want a genius child who doesn’t know how to be happy or don’t respect the elders.
This compelled Nitin to search for the answer to counter the extreme commercialization of the parenting in India (and in world). As a spiritual seeker, he started researching the Vedic scriptures to find the simple solutions for solving complex modern parenting challenges. He came up with the idea to re-spiritualize the world to teach humans to have more connections with the self and the child. The successful people are the ones who have purpose along with psychological immunity and focus combined with strong habits. And if you have a purpose, you will be blessed with all kinds of skills to achieve it. This is the fact which many parenting systems fail to tap and only Vedic wisdom can help.
We were curious about how his message is being received in the modern age and asked him more about his journey. He smiled and said, when we started this journey people were skeptical about my methods based on Vedic wisdom, the world was not ready to adopt the higher principles of living and parents were only worried about teaching the money-making skills to their kids as advertised by Big Ed-techs. He still remembers, how it was a humble start. He said we started taking classes for the favorable small group of parents who had tried every parenting solution and were equally frustrated with the results. You know what, after a certain age, parents were not worried about the rank and marks of their kids; they were more worried about the behavioral and mental health as their kids were restless, stressed and in constant argument mood. When these parents started getting the results, it became a sort of movement for us. We started going online and connecting more parents to our mission of freeing parents from modern rat race and finding peace within the family. This way the Vedic India community started, which is steadily getting momentum and reaching hundreds of parents all over India.
His methods of parenting are based on his 15 years of study of Vedic scriptures under the guidance of authentic Vedic teachers, which he later combined with the modern psychology to make it fun to learn and implement by the modern parents. He is the founder of “Vedic India Community” which helps parents establish a deep spiritual bond to bring peace and unhurried success to the child.
Nitin says that the solution to all the problems lies in the right story, which was also the basis of all the Vedic wisdom. If every parents are trained in clearing their stories (the negative self-talk and beliefs) they can write a great life story of their kids with the help of stories. This is known as Samskars in the Vedic tradition. With this vision, Nitin Authored his first book “5-minute Parenting with Storytelling” which is the only book on Amazon which teaches parents how to make stories to empower their kids and program them for success and happiness.
Along with training the busy parents about how to become Modern day Vedic parents, he is authoring another book named “Pairenting” which simplifies the whole parenting experience for the modern busy parents. We were doubtful, have you misspelled the word parenting in the book by adding an extra “I”? He smiled and said not at all, in a family there are three pairs, Mother-Child, Father-Child and Mother-Father and every pair has specific problems in modern world. This book gives the solution to the challenges of all three pairs. And that extra “I” stands for the ego which must be dropped to have a wholesome parenting experience.
In his own words, in his ten years of experience as a parent, he has won many accolades from his two kids and wife! Once he made a mistake to try making this world a better place as an engineering consultant and tried for a decade, but he realized that the chaos in this world is not a result of polluted factories, but the polluted mind.
In his journey of creating a better world, he tried to correct his mistake by turning an educationist and worked with the engineering students as professor for half a decade. He again realized that problem of unfavorable mindset hides further below in the childhood of every human and can only be solved by parents of this world.
Now, he has dedicated his life to write and help parents to raise children capable of creating a better world. To know more about his upcoming books or live workshops, please write to him at or visit
To end, he said, there are some things in this world which cannot be avoided and there are some which we can, but it is painful to see how people are suffering the mistakes which could have been avoided just by being conscious. The parenting is one such area where millions of families are suffering in silence. Almost every home has the same story that their kids don’t listen and don’t respect the parents and it is a surprise that all the parenting solutions are very superficial, which fail to give permanent solutions to the temporary problem. Let us help parents to re-spiritualize the family environment to attract, peace, happiness, purpose and true success in life.
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